Prince George’s County police officers and our public safety partners proudly work for the people of Prince George’s County. Each day, one of these first responders perform an act of bravery in service to our community.
This week, Prince George’s County Executive Rushern Baker hosted the 36th Annual Valor Awards ceremony. Here are the Prince George’s County police officers who were recognized for their heroic efforts.
Police Officer of the Year
Police Officer Terrence R. Garrett
Gold Medal of Valor
On the evening of April 4, 2012, Officer Garrett spotted three males acting suspiciously on the grounds of William Paca Elementary School. As he approached the suspects, they ran away. Officer Garrett gave chase and quickly caught one of them. As he tried to detain the suspect, the suspect began fighting with Officer Garrett. In an attempt to end the violent struggle, Officer Garrett deployed his Taser to subdue the man, but it failed to incapacitate him. As the violent struggle continued, the suspect reached into his waistband and pulled out a gun. Officer Garrett was able to block the suspect’s arm while drawing his own service weapon. The suspect refused to drop his handgun, and Officer Garret was forced to fire his service weapon to end the violent encounter. Officer Garrett put himself in extreme danger and refused to yield to the armed assailant as he fought for his life. After the incident, the suspect was also found to have a vial of PCP. For his extraordinary efforts, Officer Garrett earned a Gold Medal of Valor and was named the Prince George’s County Police Department’s Officer of the Year.

Police Officer Terrence Garrett
Corporal Phillip D. Foster
Gold Medal of Valor
On November 12, 2011, patrol officers were dispatched to Rydal Road in Forestville to assist Anne Arundel County Police with a homicide investigation. Our patrol officers were asked to secure a residence at that location while a search warrant was being obtained. Officers were not aware that the homicide suspect could be inside the home. While officers set up a perimeter around the residence, the suspect suddenly opened the front door and began walking to his vehicle. When he saw the officers, he went back inside his home. Moments later, the suspect came back out, this time carrying a shotgun in one hand and a rifle in the other. Officers ordered the suspect to drop his weapons and he seemed to be complying as he placed his weapons on the ground. Then without warning, the suspect reached down and fired the shotgun. The blast struck Corporal Foster in his face, hand and leg. Officers on the scene returned fire, however, the suspect continued to fire additional rounds from his weapons. Despite being seriously injured, Corporal Foster also returned fire during the violent gun exchange. The suspect was mortally wounded. For his courageous actions and unrelenting determination while exposed to extreme danger, Corporal Foster earned a Gold Medal of Valor.

Corporal Phillip Foster
Corporal Julian R. Mitchell
Silver Medal of Valor
Corporal Travis A. Rickert
Bronze Medal of Valor
On the night of August 3, 2011, members of the District III Special Assignment Team learned that a suspect armed with a handgun was in the area of 1600 Marblewood Avenue in Fairmont Heights. Corporals Rickert and Mitchell located and approached the suspect, who tried to run away. As the officers were chasing the first suspect, a second suspect appeared from behind a bush and began shooting at the pursuing officers, hitting Corporal Mitchell in his left arm. Corporal Rickert returned fire and struck the suspect, who then ran into a wooded area. Despite his injuries, Corporal Mitchell along with Corporal Rickert, pursued the armed gunman into the wood line where he was captured and arrested. Three additional suspects were ultimately arrested. Corporals Mitchell and Rickert’s heroic actions removed four dangerous felons from our community.
Corporal Julian Mitchell
Corporal Travis Rickert
Corporal Corey Truxon
Bronze Medal of Valor
On the evening of November 25, 2011, patrol officers responded to the 21,000 block of Aquasco Road in Aquasco for the call of an armed man threatening suicide. The man said he would try and force the police to shoot him because he could not shoot himself. Armed with two handguns, the man exited his home and fired a shot. He went back inside, but quickly returned and aggressively approached the patrol officers. Still carrying the two guns, the suspect deliberately moved toward the officers, posing an immanent threat. Corporal Truxon was forced to take action to protect his life and the lives of his fellow officers. Corporal Truxon’s courageous and decisive actions were directly responsible for bringing this volatile situation to an end.
Corporal Corey Truxon
Corporal Matthew Ling
Corporal Eric Lee
Police Officer First Class Jonathan Eyler
Police Officer DAniel Gonzalez
Bronze Medal of Valor
On February 4, 2012, Corporals Ling and Lee, Police Officer First Class Eyler and Police Officer Gonzales were on patrol in the College Park area when they saw smoke billowing from a window at the Spellman House apartment building on Berwyn House Road. The officers knew the building housed many senior citizens and residents with special needs. Without hesitation, the officers rushed inside and up to the sixth floor where the fire appeared to have started. They searched the burning apartment and then went door-to-door to alert and escort residents to safety. These four officers took great personal risk to protect the lives of others, and prevent, what would likely have been a tragic loss of life.
Corporal Matthew Ling
Corporal Eric Lee
Police Officer First Class Jonathan Eyler
Police Officer Daniel Gonzalez
Lieutenant Edward Finn
Corporal Rickie Adey
Bronze Medal of Valor
On the evening of July 24, 2012, Lieutenant Finn was on patrol in the District Heights area when he spotted an apartment building on Rochelle Avenue engulfed in flames. Corporal Adey arrived within seconds and both officers entered the burning building and began a door-to-door search. After escorting several residents and their pets to safety, they learned of an elderly resident still trapped inside. They rushed to her apartment, forced open the door and found her sleeping in the rear of the apartment. Thanks to Lieutenant Finn and Corporal Adey’s heroic actions, all of the residents were safely rescued from the fire.
Lieutenant Edward Finn
Corporal Rickie Adey