Saturday, March 22, 2025

Off-Duty Patrol Officer Charged With Driving While Impaired

  --- Spanish Translation is Below --- 
A Prince George’s County Police patrol officer was charged early this morning with driving while impaired. Officer Simeon Daramola was off-duty at the time but driving his marked police cruiser.

At approximately 2:15 am, officers with the Laurel City Police Department located Officer Daramola on Fourth Street in Laurel. Daramola was issued DWI-related citations.

The officer’s police powers have been suspended. The PGPD’s Internal Affairs Division has opened an administrative investigation into this incident.

Daramola joined the agency in 2023 and is currently assigned to the Bureau of Patrol.

  --- Spanish Translation is Below --- 

Un oficial de patrulla de la Policía del Condado Prince George’s fue acusado esta mañana por conducir bajo los efectos del alcohol. El oficial Simeon Daramola se encontraba fuera de servicio en ese momento, pero conducía su patrulla.

Aproximadamente a las 2:15 a.m., oficiales del Departamento de Policía de Laurel City localizaron al oficial Daramola en la calle Cuarta de Laurel. Se le emitieron citaciones por conducir bajo los efectos del alcohol.
Se le suspendieron sus poderes policiales. La División de Asuntos Internos del PGPD abrió una investigación administrativa sobre este incidente.
Daramola se incorporó a la agencia en 2023 y actualmente está asignado a la División de Patrulla.

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